Amref Health Africa

Short Story

This campaign aims to increase awareness about Obstetric Fistula and raise funds for reconstructive surgery for at least 5,000 women suffering from fistula.

Restoring Her Dignity

by Amref Health Africa

  • Kshs0.00

    Funding Goal
  • Kshs0.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

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Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is Kshs Maximum amount is Kshs
, Kenya

Amref Health Africa

7 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Obstetric Fistula is an injury that affects a woman during childbirth. It is caused by prolonged and difficult labour without timely medical intervention.  The injury leads to a lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation. This leads to the woman being discriminated and stigmatized to the extent of complete social isolation.

Amref Health Africa has been at the forefront of creating awareness about fistula and treating women affected by fistula since 1992. The organization supports fistula repair services to 2,000 women in East Africa each year. At the same time we equip doctors and nurses working in hospitals to provide fistula repair services.

Restoring Her Dignity is a campaign that aims to increase awareness about Obstetric Fistula and raise funds for reconstructive surgery for at least 5,000 women suffering from fistula.

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